DineSafe Middlesex-London is a food safety program that provides the public with quick and easy access to the results of food safety inspections. Inspection results for restaurants and other food premises in the City of London or Middlesex County are provided. The results can be found by searching the diclosure website, or by looking at the inspection summary signs posted at the locationof the food premises.
What are the benefits of the DineSafe Middlesex-London program?
DineSafe Middlesex-London will:
- Help reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.
- Help improve food safety standards and increase compliance with legislation.
- Make inspection results easily accessible to the public.
The Middlesex-London Health Unit acknowledges the support of Toronto Public Health and the Durham Region Health Department in the development of DineSafe. The DineSafe logo was adapted and reprinted with the permission of Toronto Public Health.
DineSafe Inspection Summary Signs
A DineSafe inspection summary sign is given to food premises included in the DineSafe Middlesex-London program (i.e. a restaurant, food take-out, grocery store) after they receive an inspection. Not all food premises are under DineSafe. Some inspected food premises will not receive a DineSafe sign, but will have their inspection results posted on the disclosure website. As well, the DineSafe Middlesex-London program does not apply to farmers’ markets, farm gate sales, church kitchens, or other similar food premises which are exempt from inspection.
Please view the DineSafe inspection summary signs below and learn about what each sign means.
DineSafe Middlesex-London is coming! (Rainbow Sign)
DineSafe Middlesex-London is coming! (Rainbow Sign) indicates the food premises is new and is awaiting its first DineSafe Middlesex-London inspection.
- The operators are following the minimum standards fairly well.
- A few critical infractions or non-critical infractions may have been observed.
- A re-inspection may happen to make sure items are corrected as required. Minor issues may be followed up at the next routine inspection.
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- The food premises can remain open, but the operators need to make corrections in the categories that are checked off on the sign.
- A re-inspection will happen within 24-72 hours (1-3 business days), or as soon as possible after the operators advise they are ready.
Correction Categories
- Food Temperature Control
- Food Protected from Contamination
- Food Handler Hygiene and Handwashing
- Food Source and Supply
- Pest Control
- Storage and Removal of Waste, and/or
- Sanitation, Design or Maintenance of Surfaces, Utensils and Equipment
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Closed (Red Sign)
Closed (Red Sign) indicates conditions represent an immediate health hazard to the public and the food premises was ordered closed by a Public Health Inspector.
- The food premises must stay closed and not serve food to the public until it has earned a pass from a Public Health Inspector.
Health hazards include, but are not limited to:
- No hot/cold running water
- Sewage back-ups
- Fires
- Floods
- Power outages
- Major insect/rodent infestation
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Additional Information
View the It's Easy to be Green (Pass) Checklist (PDF) for a list of things you need to do to get a Pass (Green Sign) for a food premises in the DineSafe program.
Contact Us
To speak with a Public Health Inspector on the Environmental Health Team about a food premises, an inspection report or DineSafe, please call:
Date of creation: January 21, 2013
Last modified on: November 14, 2024