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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Planning and Evaluation Framework

Middlesex-London Health Unit's Planning and Evaluation Framework ("PEF" or "the Framework") represents the shared vision for planning and evaluation processes at the Middlesex London Health Unit (MLHU). The PEF is intended to be flexible, scalable, and easy to use. The Framework is the ideal model for how planning and evaluation work is conducted at MLHU.

Acknowledgements: The MLHU Planning and Evaluation Framework was adapted with permission from the Program Planning Framework produced by KFL&A Public Health and the Program Planning and Evaluation User Guide produced by Peel Public Health.

Recommended citation: Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU). MLHU Planning and Evaluation Framework. London, ON: 2018.





Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact the Program Planning & Evaluation team:


How to Use the Framework

An overview of how to use the Planning and Evaluation Framework and an explanation about how to navigate through the PHASE guides, Stage guides, and tools.

Health Equity Concept Guide

The purpose of the Health Equity Concept Guide is to provide further detail about health equity concepts that are particularly pertinent to the use of the Planning and Evaluation Framework (PEF). Further, this guide will outline key high level health equity considerations for each phase of the PEF.

Engage Stakeholders Concept Guide

The purpose of the Engage Stakeholder Concept Guide is to highlight key concepts that will support engaging stakeholders at various points in the Planning and Evaluation Framework.

Program Taxonomy

The Program Taxonomy describes how MLHU defines and uses the terms "Program, Intervention, Component, Activity, and Task.

Date of creation: October 21, 2019
Last modified on: March 2, 2020