Pools & Spas (Hot Tubs)
Find out how often pools and spas are inspected.Wading Pools & Splash Pads
Learn about wading pools and splash pads. Find out how often they are inspected.Public Beaches
Find out more about beach water quality and monitoring. Look up water testing results for beaches in Middlesex-London and in neighbouring health units.Illnesses & Injuries
Do you know what illnesses or injuries can occur in and around recreational water? Learn how to stay safe.
Recreational Water - Water Testing and Safety
Recreational water is water that may be used for exercise, relaxation, pleasure or therapy. These facilities can be indoor or outdoor and are enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. As these facilities can present a public health concern, the Middlesex-London Health Unit aims to reduce, and more successfully prevent, the number of water-borne related fatalities, injuries and illnesses by ensuring that they are operated in a safe and sanitary manner.
What is Middlesex-London Health Unit’s role?
In Ontario, recreational water safety is one of the mandatory programs under the Ontario Public Health Standards which health units are required to deliver to the public.
Public Health Inspectors at the Middlesex-London Health Unit help to prevent and reduce waterborne illness and injury related to recreational water use.
Additional Information
For more information on recreational water, please continue to browse this website, or speak to a Public Health Inspector on the Environmental Health Team:
- 519-663-5317
Last modified on: February 7, 2022