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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Breastfeeding Videos

Watch the following breastfeeding videos and learn about milk supply, hand expression, latching, breastfeeding positions, and much more.


Telephone Support

To speak with a Public Health Nurse about breastfeeding, please call the Middlesex-London Health Unit.

Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Health 811

Call Health 811 to speak with a Registered Nurse for advice or information.

1-866-797-0000; or TTY: 1-866-797-0007
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Available in English or French




Skin-to-skin (Video by the Region of Peel)

Spending the first few minutes after birth with your baby skin to skin creates the perfect environment to succeed with breastfeeding. This video is available in multiple languages.
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Skin-To-Skin Contact (Video by KIDSCARECanada)  Dr Nils Bergman's research shows that it is Optimal to Place New Babies Skin-to-Skin with their Mother.


Milk Supply

Milk Supply: Do I have Enough Milk?

Milk Supply: Do I have Enough Milk? (Video by MLHU)

Learn how a good latch and how often the baby feeds impacts how much milk a mother will produce. NOTE: This video mentions “Well Baby/Child and Breastfeeding Clinics”, which is a service no longer available. Please call the Health Unit to speak to a public health nurse at 519-663-5317.

Milk Supply: Strategies for Increasing Your Supply

Milk Supply: Strategies for Increasing Your Supply (Video by MLHU)

Learn about the ways that you can ensure you milk supply is on-track. NOTE: This video mentions “Well Baby/Child and Breastfeeding Clinics”, which is a service no longer available. Please call the Health Unit to speak to a public health nurse at 519-663-5317.


Positioning & Latch

The Latch

The Latch (Video by the Region of Peel)

The latch is defined as how the baby attaches on to your breast or comes on to your breast. Having a good latch can affect how much milk the baby will remove as well as how much milk your body makes. This video is available in multiple languages.

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The Latch

Positions (Video by the Region of Peel)

A good position and latch helps your baby get enough milk to satisfy your baby’s hunger and ensures your breasts are stimulated to produce enough milk. When you’re positioning your baby at the breast, it’s important for you to choose a position that is comfortable for you and your baby. This video is available in multiple languages.

Positions for Breastfeeding (Global Health Media Project)

Positions for Breastfeeding (Video by Global Health Media Project)

This video describes different positions for breastfeeding. Minute 8 of this 10-minute video shows positioning for twins.

Good Drinking

Good Drinking (Video by International Breastfeeding Centre-IBC)

Go to the Good Drinking Video: Watch and listen to this baby drinking. Videos also available in multiple languages.

Nutritive vs Non Nutritive Sucks

Nutritive vs Non Nutritive Sucks (Video by Dr. Atef Elhadedy)

Short, informative video and easy to understand.

Breastfeeding in the Football Hold

Breastfeeding in the Football Hold (Video by Sikana Health)

Learn how to breastfeed in the football hold.

Laid Back Breastfeeding

Biological Nurturing ® Laid Back Breastfeeding (Video by Dr S. Colson)

Watch this 30-second video clip by Dr S. Colson showing breastfeeding in the laid back position.  Biological Nurturing ®.


Hand Expression

Hand Expression

Hand Expression (Video by Baby Friendly Initiative, UK)

The Baby-Friendly Initiative recommends that all mothers are taught how to hand express. It’s a valuable skill to learn. Expressing breastmilk by hand in the early hours and days will help you establish and build your milk supply.


Cup Feeding

Cup Feeding (Breastfeeding Inc)

Cup Feeding (Video by International Breastfeeding Centre-IBC)

Watch the Cup Feeding Video: cup feeding is a way to feed your baby small amounts of breastmilk. A good alternative to the bottle. Particularly useful for the baby who is refusing the breast. Videos also available in multiple languages.


Finger Feeding to Start Latch

Not Yet Latching, Finger Feeding to Latch (Breastfeeding Inc.)

Not Yet Latching, Finger Feeding to Latch (Video by International Breastfeeding Centre-IBC)

Finger feeding is a way to feed your baby by using an infant feeding tube attached to your finger. This is often a short-term way to feed your baby as they learn to breastfeed. Videos available in multiple languages.


How to Use a Nipple Shield

First slide of video

Breastfeed Using Nipple Sheilds (Video by Sikana Health)

Learn how to breastfeed with the aid of Nipple Shields.


Paced Bottle Feeding

Paced Bottle Feeding video (Best Feeding Lactation Services, LLC)

Paced Bottle Feeding (Video by Best Feeding Lactation Services, LLC)

Paced bottle feeding is another way to feed baby expressed breast milk. This helps control or pace the milk flow when feeding baby and to mimic milk flow from the breast.


Medications and Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding and Medications

Breastfeeding and Medications (Video by MLHU)

Many mothers are worried about taking medications while breastfeeding. Find out what you need to consider when deciding to take medications while breastfeeding. NOTE: This video mentions “Well Baby/Child and Breastfeeding Clinics”, which is a service no longer available. Please call the Health Unit to speak to a public health nurse at 519-663-5317.


Birth Control and Breastfeeding

Birth Control and Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding and Birth Control (Video by MLHU)

Learn more about your birth control options and which methods are safe for breastfeeding mothers. NOTE: This video mentions “Well Baby/Child and Breastfeeding Clinics”, which is a service no longer available. Please call the Health Unit to speak to a public health nurse at 519-663-5317.


Breastfeeding to Minimize Vaccination Pain

Breastfeeding to minimize vaccination pain

Breastfeeding to Minimize Vaccination Pain (Video by CHEO)

Watch CHEO's Be Seet to Babies video about how to reduce crying and pain during babies' immunizations.  View the entire Be Sweet To Babies video library with videos available in multiple languages and learn how breastfeeding can minimize infant pain during newborn screening and other painful procedures.

Date of creation: June 21, 2013
Last modified on: June 12, 2024