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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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School Health

Healthy students are better able to learn. Given the link between health and education, schools provide an ideal setting for children and youth to learn healthy habits that can benefit them for the rest of their lives. The Middlesex-London Health Unit collaborates with all school communities to support and develop healthy schools. To learn more about comprehensive school health, see the Foundations for A Healthy School.


Healthy Schools Matter

Healthy schools promote the physical, mental, social and spiritual health of the whole school community.
Learn more →

  • Children eating food at schoolFood Access in Schools
    Learn how to start a food program in your school and help students access nutritious food.

 Contact Us

To contact the School Health Team at the Middlesex-London Health Unit, please email or call 519-663-5317 ext. 9010.

Date of creation: February 15, 2013
Last modified on: September 15, 2023


We do more than…

Health Unit Finger Character

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