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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Frequently Asked Questions



Frequently Asked Questions

Please find some frequently asked questions about dental health below.

Where can I find dental treatment in London and Middlesex County? Are there any risks associated with fluoride in drinking water?
Can the Health Unit test my home’s drinking water for fluoride, nitrites and nitrates? What can be done to decrease the risk of dental fluorosis?
What does “financial hardship” mean? Can my organization receive a dental health presentation?
How much fluoride is added to London’s drinking water?  

Where can I find dental treatment in London and Middlesex County?

Middlesex-London Health Unit - Dental Clinic
The Middlesex-London Health Unit has a dental clinic in London and Strathroy. For information on programs offered at the Dental Clinic call 519-663-5317 (ask to speak with Oral Health).

Dental Offices
There are many dental offices in London and Middlesex County. You can find the phone number and addresses of these offices in local phone directories under Dentists. The Ontario Dental Association can help you find contact information for dentists in your area. You may also want to ask a friend or co-worker for the name of a dentist. Dental care is not covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) and you are expected to pay for services you receive.

The Wright Clinic

The Wright Clinic is a not-for-profit dental clinic operating in London, Ontario. The Wright Clinic supports residents of London and Middlesex County who are 18 years and older. For information visit or call:

Western University
The Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry provides dental care at reduced fees. Dental care is provided by dental students under the supervision of licensed dentists. For information or an appointment call:

  • Children’s Clinic - 519-661-3329
  • Adult Clinic - 519-661-3326
  • Emergency Clinic - 519-661-3331

Fanshawe College
The dental hygiene students provide preventive dental services - tooth cleaning, dental inspections, x-rays, sealants, and fluoride under supervision. These services are at a reduced rate and are provided from September to April of each school year. For information or to book an appointment,

Location: Oral Health Clinic at Fanshawe College, School of Health Sciences, Room A1001 A-Building, 1001 Fanshawe College Blvd. London, Ontario N5Y 5R6. 

For emergency services, contact your family dentist or contact a dentist through the yellow pages. For after-hours dental emergencies that involve severe pain, swelling, bleeding or trauma you can contact your nearest hospital or urgent care centre.

Can the Health Unit test my home’s drinking water for fluoride, nitrites and nitrates?

No. The Health Unit does not provide this service.Private accredited laboratories may offer this service. You can contact the laboratories for more information. Additional questions related to drinking water can be directed to the Health Unit’s Environmental Health Team.

What does “financial hardship” mean?

By requesting that your child enroll in the Preventive Service Only program, you are indicating that the cost of dental care presents a challenge for you. This means that any of the following situations may apply if you were to pay for dental care:

  • You may be unable to pay your rent or mortgage this month.
  • You may struggle to cover essential household bills such as heating, electricity, or groceries.
  • You may need to visit a food bank to provide for your family this month.

How much fluoride is added to London’s drinking water?

Fluoride is added to London’s drinking water to bring the levels to 0.7 mg / litre (mg/L) or parts per million (ppm). This is the level recommended by Health Canada to prevent tooth decay and minimize the risk of dental fluorosis. The level of fluoride in the drinking water is closely monitored by the City of London and the Middlesex-London Health Unit.

Are there any risks associated with fluoride in drinking water?

At the levels used to fluoridate London's drinking water, the only recognized risk is a condition called dental fluorosis. This is a condition where spots form on the teeth. In its mild and very mild form, the spots are white and only noticeable by a dental professional. In its moderate or severe form, the spots can be brown and more noticeable. Fluorosis comes from fluoride exposure when the teeth are forming and is mostly a problem in the permanent front teeth which form at around 22 to 26 months of age. A study by Health Canada found very little fluorosis in Canadian children. Mild fluorosis was found in 4% of children and very mild fluorosis was found in 12% of children; no severe fluorosis was noted and hardly any moderate fluorosis was noted in the study.

Numerous reviews, including a recent review by Health Canada, have not identified any other health risk from the levels of fluoride added to London’s drinking water. Specifically, the reviews did not identify a risk for fractures, thyroid problems, cancer or effects on IQ.

What can be done to decrease the risk of dental fluorosis?

The risk of fluorosis increases when young children swallow fluoridated toothpaste. To decrease this risk, the Health Unit recommends that children do not use fluoridated toothpaste until they can spit out the toothpaste. It is important that a small pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste be used and children should be encouraged not to swallow the toothpaste.

Can my organization receive a dental health presentation?

The Oral Health team may be able to accommodate requests for presentations on oral health and hygiene, and the programs and services offered at the Health Unit based on staff capacity. Requests for presentations can be directed to 519-663-5317 (ask to speak with Oral Health).



  • Middlesex & London Social Services – Ontario Works (OW)
    • Children & Youth whose parents or who themselves are in receipt of OW may be covered for routine dental care under the Healthy Smiles Ontario program.
    • In Middlesex County (519 434-7321
    • London (519) 661-2489
    • Discretionary Benefits (519) 661-5910
  • Ontario Disability Support Plan (ODSP)
    • Children & Youth whose families are in receipt of ODSP may be covered for routine dental care under the Healthy Smiles Ontario Program.
    • Regional Office (519) 438-5111
  • Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD)
    • Families caring for a child under18 years of age with a severe disability may be eligible to receive financial aid for dental care under the Healthy Smiles Ontario Program.
    • Regional Office (519) 438-5111
  • Cleft Lip and Palate and Craniofacial Dental Program
    • Funding available for eligible children and young adults.
    • Thames Valley Children’s Centre (519) 685-8700 ext 54086
  • Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP)
    • Limited, temporary coverage of health-care benefits to people who aren’t eligible for provincial health insurance.
    • Dental services limited to emergency care.
    • Children may be eligible for the Healthy Smiles Ontario Program.
    • 1-888-242-2100
  • Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)
    • Registered NIHB recipients are covered for routine dental care.
    • Children may be eligible for the Healthy Smiles Ontario Program.
    • 1-800-640-0642
  • Veteran Affairs
    • Current or former members of the Canadian Armed Forces or RCMP, or a family member may qualify for dental care.
    • 1-855-522-2122
  • Canadian Dental Association
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Health Canada
Date of creation: February 7, 2013
Last modified on: March 10, 2025