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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Intimate Partner Violence


What is intimate partner violence and woman abuse?

    • Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) also known as Domestic Violence is any form of:
      • physical,
      • sexual,
      • emotional,
      • or psychological abuse,
      • including financial control, stalking and harassment.
    • IPV happens across all cultures, religions, ages, sexual orientations, educational backgrounds, and income levels. It occurs between opposite or same-sex intimate partners, who may or may not be married, common law, or living together. It can also continue to happen after a relationship has ended (Neighbours, Friends, and Families, 2023).

What is Gender Based Violence (GBV)?

  • Gender-Based Violence (GBV): an umbrella term for a range of violence perpetrated against an individual because of their gender, gender identity, or gender expression. Forms of violence include, but are not limited to, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence. Although violence can occur to any gender, GBV most commonly impacts women; young women and girls, Indigenous women, women living with a disability, women living in northern rural and remote communities, and individuals who self-identify as a woman. (Government of Canada, 2018)
  • LGBTQS+ Individuals experience much higher rates of domestic and community violence than the general population (Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative, 2021).

Safety Planning

1. Call for help

  • If you need emergency help, call 911.
  • For crisis counselling, call the Abused Women’s Helpline: 519-642-3000.

2. Tell someone

  • Tell someone you trust about the abuse
  • Tell your friends and family about your plans

3. Create a safety plan for leaving the abuser

Signs of an Abusive Relationship

Power and Control Wheel (PDF)

  • The Power and Control Wheel shows how power and control is the main cause of abusive behaviors.
  • The Power and Control Wheel can be used in many types of relationships heterosexual, gay and lesbian.

Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Equality Wheel (PDF)

  • The Equality Wheel shows the correct ways to interact in a healthy relationship.
Date of creation: February 22, 2013
Last modified on: August 28, 2024