Parent Resources
Parenting is rewarding, but it's also very challenging. Find useful resources for expecting parents, parents of newborns and parents of school-age children, including public health resources, community resources, and links to other useful websites.
Questions and concerns
If you have questions or concerns about your child, contact your healthcare provider. You can also call the Middlesex-London Health Unit to speak with a Public Health Nurse, Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., or get heath advice 24/7 by calling Health811 (Health Connect Ontario) (dial 811).
A Healthy Start to School
This helpful guide for parents and caregivers is available in French and English from the links below. Find helpful tips on packing lunches, reporting immunization, limiting screens and much more!
Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis & Other Drugs |
Parent Support HUB: Drug Free Kids Canada |
Tobacco and Vapour Products (MLHU) |
Cannabis (MLHU) |
Alcohol and Other Drugs (MLHU) |
Parents Matter booklet |
Youth Vaping, Substance Use, and Technology Dependence Program (YOUTH-VAST) Helping Ontario youth who are facing challenges related to vaping, substance use (including alcohol and cannabis), and/or technology use. |
Car Seat Safety |
London Health Sciences Centre Car Seat Education (LHSC) |
Disponible en français |
Choosing a child car seat (Ministry of Transportation) Disponible en français |
Growth & Development |
Secure Attachment & parenting, Infant and early childhood mental health |
Child Growth: is your child growing well? (MLHU) (when should your child's growth be checked) |
Looksee checklist® provided by the Nipissing District Developmental Screen (ndds) (The looksee checklist® by ndds is a developmental checklist that follows a child from one month of age to six years. It provides a snapshot in time of your child's development, and a starting point for discussion with a health/child care professional. Starting October 1, 2023 , there will be a one-time sign up fee. The 18 month looksee checklist® will remain free to all families) Disponible en français |
SmartStart Hub at TVCC - Thames Valley Children's Centre (for children0-19: online referral form, school therapy service, preschool speech and language and more) Disponible en français |
Developmental Resource for Infants (DRI) - Thames Valley Children's Centre (Intake and service coordination for children 2 years and under with developmental concerns - TVCC) |
(Information for many families about screens (e.g. phones, tablets, TVs). We know it's not good for our kids, but the reality is that screens are here to stay. So what can we do? - MLHU) |
Physical Activity |
YouTube Video: Canadian 24-Hour movement Guidelines for the Early Years (ages 0-4) |
Disponible en français |
Tummy Time (TVCC) An important part of a baby's daily routine. Disponible en français |
Active For Life® Raising Kids who love to move Disponible en français |
2019 Canadian Guideline for Physical Activity throughout Pregnancy (CSEP) Disponible en français |
Early Years: Ages 0-4 (Participaction) Disponible en français |
Children and Youth: Ages 5-17 (Participaction) Disponible en français |
Adults: Ages 18-64 (Participaction) Disponible en français |
Adults: Ages 65+ (Participaction) Disponible en français |
Mental Health Supports for Children and Teens |
How to talk to your children about conflict and war (Unicef) |
One-stop referral and intake point shared services Vanier Children's Mental Wellness, Humana Community Services and Craigwood Children, Youth, and Family Services |
Vanier Children's Mental Wellness Offers a range of services designed to offer support to families who have a child struggling with social, emotional, behavioural and mental health issues |
Craigwood Children, Youth and Family Services Provides a broad range of counseling, care and therapeutic services to adolescents and to their families, all designed to make a positive change in their lives |
Formerly WAYS Mental Health Support and Anago (Non) Residential Resources |
The Support Line from Canadian Mental Health Association provides confidential listening and support to individuals 16+ any time of day or night. |
Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support Disponible en français |
An Indigenous Wellness Program developed by Indigenous educators, school counsellors and community program workers to empower First Nations, Inuit and Métis youth with skills, tools and resources to support their well-being. The program is offered to Indigenous youth from six to 29 years old in both audio and video format. Disponible en français |
Children's Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) Parent & Caregiver Resources Disponible en français |
Mental Health and Community Supports for Adults |
Information and resources for pregnancy to first year postpartum - MLHU |
Free, 24/7 bilingual confidential mental health and addictions support and services line for people living in Elgin, Middlesex and Oxford and London - Reach Out Disponible en français |
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Thames Valley Information - CMHA |
Information, Counselling Services and more - Family Service Thames Valley |
Hope for Wellness Help Line 24/7 Immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous peoples across Canada - Hope for Wellness Disponible en français |
Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre (SOAHAC) Information and services including Indigenous-led child care and family centre, enhanced food security, and more- SOAHAC |
Francophone Community Resources /Communauté francophone Organisations ou programmes qui offrent des services principalement en français ou qui autrement appuient l'unité et le développement culturels au sein de la communauté francophone - |
Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support and Integration (MRCSSI) Information and resources promoting family safety and wellbeing within London's diverse Muslim communities - MRCSSI |
Reading to Babies and Young Children |
Reading to babies and children supports brain growth and development, language development and preparation for school. |
La Ribambelle: les Baluchons de lecture pour bébé |
My ABBC Aboriginal Book Bundles
Literacy, Right From the Start You Tube Video- English also available in French Disponible en français
Disponible en français |
Murray and Bird - Children's Storybooks (MLHU)
Disponible en français |
Secure Attachment and Parenting |
The Basics (Website for Parents) The human brain doubles to 70% of adult size during first year of life and 80% of adult size by age three. It is important to engage with your child often by doing activities together that:
Parent and Infant Relationship Clinic (PAIR) Vanier Children's Mental Wellness |
Healthy Baby Healthy Brain: Videos by health nexus santé (Best Start) Disponible en français |
Nurture Healthy Minds (MLHU) |
Sleep |
Healthy sleep for your baby and child (Canadian Pediatric Society) Disponible en français |
Disponible en français |
YouTube Video: Canadian 24-Hour movement Guidelines for the Early Years (ages 0-4) |
Disponible en français |
20 Sleep Hygiene Tips and Worksheets for Kids & Teenagers ( |
Teens and sleep: Why you need it and how to get enough (Canadian Pediatric Society) Disponible en français |
Transition to School Resources |
School Health - Information for Parents (MLHU) |
Getting Ready for School (All Kids Belong AKB) free downloadable PDF |
All Kids Belong - Online Resources (Merrymount family support and crisis centre) |
On the way to kindergarten: Let's get ready for school (Video Series SW Public Health) |
Welcome to Kindergarten (Thames Valley District School Board) |
Welcome to Kindergarten (London District Catholic School Board) |
Helping Your Child Get Ready for School! (Infant and Early Mental Health Promotion) |
Family Well-being Community Workshop Series (Thames Valley District School Board and London District Catholic School Board) |
Your Teenager’s Transition to High School: Recorded Webinar (Video) Parent Resources (PDF) |
Last modified on: March 25, 2025