Mosquito Surveillance, Control and Standing Water
Learn about the Middlesex-London Health Unit's program and how to report mosquito or standing water concerns.Tick Identification
View common ticks in Middlesex-LondonSubmit a Tick
The Health Unit accepts tick submissions year round. Learn how to submit ticks.
What is Middlesex-London Health Unit’s role?
In Ontario, under the Ontario Public Health Standards, each health unit is required to develop a local vector-borne management strategy.
The Vector-Borne Disease program at the Middlesex-London Health Unit helps to prevent and reduce the risk of West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus and Lyme disease by:
- Following up on local reports of Vector-Borne Diseases.
- Monitoring tick populations.
- Following up on human contact with ticks.
- Monitoring local mosquito populations (both larval and adult stages).
- Controlling vector mosquito larvae.
- Following up on reports of mosquitoes and standing water in the community.
- Educating the public on prevention and personal protection measures for West Nile Virus or Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus.
- Educating the public on prevention and personal protection measures for Lyme disease.
Adult Mosquito