Quitting Tobacco
Commercial tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death and illness in Canada. This page offers helpful tips and resources to support you on your journey to quit smoking and vaping for a healthier life.
Free for Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) Recipients
Image used with permission from Southwestern Public Health
Free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and smoking cessation counselling are available at local pharmacies in London, Middlesex (Strathroy), Elgin, Oxford, and St. Thomas. Eligible Ontario Drug Benefits (ODB) recipients aged 18 or older who are current cigarette smokers may access up to 6 months of free NRT (patch, gum, lozenge, inhaler, and spray) and personalized support from trained pharmacists to quit smoking.
View the list of participating pharmacies to sign up for the program.
You’re thinking about quitting
Are you thinking about quitting tobacco products but unsure if it’s the right time? Just considering the change is a big first step! Whether it’s your first time or you've tried before, remember that every quit attempt brings you closer to quitting for good. There are no failures in this journey, only valuable learning experiences that can help you succeed in the future.
It’s normal to have doubts
Many people who smoke or vape want to quit but may feel unsure about how to start, fear that it’s too late, or worry about the challenges ahead. The good news is that it's never too late to quit! 1 No matter how long you’ve been smoking or vaping, you’ll experience significant health benefits after quitting. Plus, you’ll save time and money. 1 2
It's challenging, but you can do it
Quitting is challenging, but you absolutely can succeed. Everyone has different reasons for using tobacco products and their own motivation for quitting. No matter where you are on your journey, help is available as you take this important step.
Let’s look at the major health benefits that will happen as soon as you quit. 1
- 20 minutes: Your blood pressure drops to a level similar to what it was before your last cigarette.
- 8 hours: The level of carbon monoxide (a toxic gas) in your blood drops to normal.
- 24 hours: Your risk of having a heart attack begins to decrease.
- 2 weeks to 3 months: The airways in your lungs relax, allowing you to take in more air into your lungs and breathe more easily.
- 1 to 9 months: You cough less, and your lungs function even better.
- 1 year: Your risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker’s.
- 5 years: You have the same chance of having a stroke as a non-smoker.
- 10 Years: Your chance of dying from lung cancer is much lower, as is your risk of developing cancer in your mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and/or pancreas.
- 15 Years: Your risk of coronary heart disease is similar to that of a non-smoker.
Thinking About Quitting? A Self-Help Resource Guide (PDF)
A comprehensive resource guide containing information about accessing self-help resources and free nicotine replacement therapy.
You’re ready to quit
You've decided that you're ready to quit smoking (congratulations!), but now what? Let’s look at where to start.
Step 1: Make a Plan
Planning ahead can be an important step in setting yourself up for success. When making a plan, start by talking to your healthcare provider. It’s always a good idea to let them know you're quitting, as they can likely provide you with some great resources to get started. Your healthcare provider knows your history best and can give you advice on which quitting option might work best for you. Your pharmacist can also be a great resource for advice.
Decide how you want to quit
There are many ways to quit commercial tobacco products, but there is no right method for everyone. 2 3 4 A lot depends on what you're comfortable with and your past quit attempts.
- “Cold Turkey” refers to quitting completely without using any nicotine replacement therapy or medication. 2
- “Cut Back/Reduce” involves cutting back or reducing the amount of tobacco that you use per day. Keeping track of when you use tobacco, what you were doing, and how you are feeling can help you to cut back. 2 3
- “Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)” (patch, lozenge, gum, spray, or inhaler) can help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings by replacing nicotine that you would normally get from using tobacco products. These are available over the counter without a prescription at most drug stores or pharmacies.3 4 Learn more about NRT and how you can access it for free.
- Champix® or Zyban® are medications that can be prescribed by a doctor or pharmacist. Although they do not contain any nicotine, these medications can be effective in helping people quit smoking.3 4 In Ontario, these medications are free for anyone to anyone on Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program, or for young adults 18-24 years through OHIP Plus. For others, these medications may be covered under your drug plan. 3
- Access resources that can help you prepare to quit and create a quit plan.
Step 2: Set a Quit Date
Once you’ve decided to quit, you’re ready to pick a quit date.
- Try quitting on a Monday rather than a random day. Many people see Monday as the perfect day for a fresh start; this could increase your chances of quitting.
- Choose a time when you are not too stressed. 2 3
- Think about what the next week is going to look like. Is this something that you can commit to?2
- Write your quit date down. It might be helpful to circle it on a calendar or set a reminder in your phone.2 3 4
Step 3: Develop a Support System
Telling your family, friends and co-workers gives you another reason to stay focused. Whatever way you decide to quit, having support is very important.
Make sure that your supporters are aware of your plan to quit. This could include family, friends, co-workers and health professionals. Identify any negative influences or people who do not want you to quit. 2 3 4 This can be a good opportunity to determine if being around other smokers will be difficult for you. If so, remind friends or family who smoke not to smoke near you, if possible, and not to offer you cigarettes.
- Health811 is a great support for quitting smoking or vaping. They offer quit coach services, which are available by phone from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sign up by calling 811.
- Smoker’s Helpline is another great support for quitting smoking or vaping. They have an online quit program that includes a personalized quit plan, quit calculator, motivating emails, text message support, and downloadable quit resources. Text iQuit to 123456 to start texting with a quit coach.
Step 4: Put Your Plan Into Action
Remember, quitting is not an event, it’s a process. Use resources that work for you and the goals you're trying to achieve. Remember, if you slip up, that’s okay! Quitting takes time, patience, and practice, so be kind to yourself and don’t give up.
Here are a few tips to help get you started and to keep you on track:
- DELAY: Cravings rarely last longer than a few minutes. When you get the urge to smoke, try to wait for 5 minutes and you may be surprised to find the craving has passed.
- DISTRACT: Do something to keep yourself busy when you get a craving. Go for a walk, start cleaning something or play a game on your phone. Think of something that will work for you to keep your mind off cigarettes.
- DRINK LOTS OF WATER: This helps replace the hand-to-mouth behaviours of smoking. As you quit, it also helps with your coughing as your lungs start to clear out the toxins from the cigarettes.
- DEEP BREATHING: This helps to reduce cravings, anxiety and stress. Try inhaling through your nose and holding it for a count of 5. Slowly breathe out through your mouth for a count of 7. Repeat this a few times.
- REWARD YOURSELF: Celebrate your success! For example, treat yourself to something special for every week you have met one of your goals. You can even use the money saved from buying cigarettes or vapes to put towards this reward.
Don’t Quit Quitting
It’s normal to require several attempts to quit smoking or vaping for good. Each quit attempt brings you one step closer to success! Brought to you by Ontario Public Health Units, this website offers up-to-date information on cessation resources, outlines the benefits of quitting, and provides a self-help booklet to guide you through the process. Additionally, there is a presentation for healthcare providers to enhance their support for those looking to quit. A map to connect with local Public Health Units and many other helpful tools and resources are also available to empower you on your path to becoming smoke- and/or vape-free. Visit Don’t Quit Quitting for a wide range of resources to support you on your journey to quitting.
There are many resources and interactive tools to help you quit and provide the motivation needed to stay smoke-free. It’s never too late to quit!
- Don’t Quit Quitting
Find help and support at Don't Quit Quitting, no matter how many times you attempt to quit. - Cost Calculator
Calculate how much you would save if you quit using tobacco by using the Healthy Canadians cost calculator. - Quit Map
Find support to quit smoking and vaping nearby, online, by phone and elsewhere. - Quash App
A free interactive mobile app developed to help youths aged 14-19 quit smoking and vaping. - Pregnets
Provides information, resources and support to pregnant and postpartum women and their health care providers to improve the health of moms and their babies. - Youth-VAST
A program supporting youth ages 12 to 21 across Ontario with challenges related to vaping, substance use, and technology. Services include assessment, individual and group treatment. Virtual options available. Self-referral accepted.
Quit Plans and Self Help
- Canadian Cancer Society - You Can Quit: One Step at a Time
- Don’t Quit Quitting – A guide for your quit journey
- Health Canada - Quit with Confidence: Guide to a smoke-free life
- Health Canada – I quit for me: Guide for youth who want to quit using tobacco, cigarettes, or vapes
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: My Change Plan Workbook (PDF)
- Lung Health Foundation: Journey to Quit Workbook (PDF)
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
Nicotine Replacement Therapy is medication that can help to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings in order to help you quit. 1 These medications contain nicotine and are meant to replace the nicotine that you would normally get from using tobacco but without the chemicals and toxins found in cigarettes. 2
There are several forms of NRT available such as the nicotine patch, lozenge, gum, inhaler, and mouth spray. When combined with counselling, NRT can increase your chances of quitting for good. 4
Where can I get NRT?
NRT products such as the patch, lozenge, gum, spray, and inhaler are available over the counter without a prescription at most drug stores or pharmacies. NRT products may be available at no cost through the following programs.
- Pharmacy-Led Cessation Program
Free NRT and smoking cessation counselling can be accessed at a number of participating pharmacies throughout London, Middlesex, Elgin, Oxford and St. Thomas. Smokers who qualify to receive Ontario Drug Benefits (ODB) are eligible to receive up to 6 months of free NRT (patch, gum, lozenge, inhaler and spray) along with counselling provided by a trained pharmacist. - STOP on the NET
An online program designed to support individuals 18 years of age and older in an attempt to quit smoking. Eligible participants can receive a free 10-week NRT kit containing nicotine patches and gum/lozenges mailed directly to their address. - Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation Community Program
For Ontarians who want to quit smoking but are not enrolled with a health care provider or cannot easily access smoking cessation support. Eligible participants will receive a consultation, follow-up support, and nicotine replacement therapy vouchers. Call 1-888-645-5405 and leave your contact information on the voicemail. A Nicotine Addiction Specialist will get back to you within 2 business days. - Healthcare Providers
Those who are members of participating Family Health Teams, Community Health Centre, Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic, or the Southwestern Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centres (SOAHAC) may offer free NRT to eligible patients. - The Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) for First Nation and Inuit.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
Information on the nicotine patch, mouth spray, gum, inhaler and lozenge and how to use them.
Traditional Tobacco
Traditional tobacco is very different from commercial tobacco. Traditional tobacco has been used by Indigenous Peoples for thousands of years as a sacred medicine and is an important part of culture and spiritual connectedness. In contrast, commercial cigarettes are designed to be highly addictive and cause sickness. Learn more →
Last modified on: March 19, 2025