Telephone Support for Families
Telephone support is available from public health nurses at the Middlesex-London Health Unit or nurses from Health811. You can also visit SouthWest HealthLine for a directory of health services in London and Middlesex County.
Speak with a Public Health Nurse from the Middlesex-London Health Unit
Call the Middlesex-London Health Unit to speak with a public health nurse, if you have questions or concerns about parenting or caring for your infant or child.
- 519-663-5317
- Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
If you're not from the Middlesex-London region, please use the Ontario Ministry of Health's Public Health Unit Locator to find your local public health unit.
- Coping as a new parent
- Physical recovery after birth
- Prenatal questions
- Postpartum depression/anxiety
- Breastfeeding
- Nutrition
- Sleep
- Crying
- Illness
- Early child development
- Car seat safety
- Child safety
- Sleep
- Positive parenting
- Community supports

Call the Health Unit at 519-663-5317, Monday to Friday between 8:30AM and 4:30PM.
Get connected to health care 24/7.
Call 811 to connect with a registered nurse day or night for free, secure and confidential health advice. Please note: This service has replaced Health Connect Ontario and Telehealth Ontario.
Access safe, high-quality care and avoid unnecessary visits to the emergency room. This service is an easy way to get connected to care you or your loved ones need, but it does not replace your other touch point with your health care provider. In a medical emergency call 911 immediately.
- Check your symptoms
- Get health advice
- Find a health service (look for a doctor or health care service near you)
- Search the medical library
- Access a dietitian and free nutrition information
- Access mental health support
SouthWest HealthLine
Visit for a directory of health services in London and Middlesex County. SouthWest HealthLine is a website for Ontario patients, doctors, and health care providers to get accurate and up-to-date information about health services in their communities.
Date of creation: January 1, 2011
Last modified on: March 24, 2023