The Middlesex-London Health Unit is issuing a Cold Alert for Saturday March 1, 2025 at 7pm until approximately 8am on Sunday March 2. Throughout that time temperatures will hover between -10C and -12C with a windchill value of -20C. Environment Canada has also issued a snow squall advisory for London, Parkhill and East Middlesex for a portion of that time.
The Middlesex-London Health Unit issues Cold Weather Alerts when any of the following conditions are met:
• Environment and Climate Change Canada forecasts a low temperature of –15°C or lower,
• Environment and Climate Change Canada forecasts a wind chill of -20 or lower, or if
• Environment and Climate Change Canada issues a "Cold Alert" or "Cold Warning."
Prepare for extreme cold events every winter - it’s always a possibility in Ontario. There are numerous steps you can take both before and during this type of event:
• Stay in heated buildings as much as possible (your home, friend or family’s place, public buildings such as malls, libraries, etc.).
• Dress appropriately when going outside (multiple layers of loose-fitting clothes, toques, mittens, etc.) and cover up all exposed skin since, in extreme cold, frostbite can occur within minutes.
• Drink warm fluids but avoid caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, as they cause your body to lose heat more rapidly.
• Avoid strenuous exercise while out in the cold as much as possible.
• Know the weather forecast and avoid travelling when extreme weather is predicted.
• Prepare your home and car for winter.
Seek help if you experience any of the following symptoms of cold illness:
• Hypothermia: Symptoms/signs include shivering, exhaustion, confusion, fumbling/uncoordinated movements, memory loss, slurred speech, drowsiness.
• Frostbite: Symptoms/signs include white/grayish skin area, skin that feels unusually firm or waxy, or numbness.
For a list of warming centres in the City of London visit: For a list of Middlesex County Libraries, where residents can warm up, visit:
For more information about extreme cold visit: