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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Childhood Early Intervention Programs to Shift From Health Unit to Thames Valley Childrens Centre in 2019

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After two decades of successfully overseeing tykeTALK, as well as the Infant Hearing and Blind Low Vision Early Intervention Programs, the Middlesex-London Health Unit’s (MLHU) leadership role with these programs will be changing as of September, 2019. With the support of the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, MLHU has entered into discussions to transfer the lead agency role for these programs to the Thames Valley Children’s Centre (TVCC).

“Through these programs, any potential speech, language, hearing or vision challenges a child may face are identified, so that intervention can be provided as early in that child’s development as possible,” says Debbie Shugar, Manager of Screening, Assesment and Intervention with the Middlesex-London Health Unit. “These programs align well with the work that TVCC does in our community.”

In addition to being a partner in the tykeTALK Program since it was launched more than 20 years ago, TVCC is also the lead agency for the Preschool Speech and Language Program in Grey and Bruce Counties and provides rehabilitation and autism intervention services in Southwestern Ontario.

“We are both honoured and excited to begin these discussions with the MLHU and have confidence that together we will develop a smooth transition plan for clients, their families, and community partners,” says Michelle Truppe, Director of the Early Childhood, School Age and Adolescent Program with Thames Valley Children’s Centre. “We are very pleased that MLHU reached out to us to begin these discussions.”

The MLHU and TVCC are currently working on a plan that will ensure the smooth handover of leadership and oversight of these important early intervention programs. The plan will ensure a seamless transition for families, without any disruption or impact on the services provided, or on those agencies and individuals who currently provide those services.

The MLHU will continue as the lead agency for these programs until the fall of 2019, when it is anticipated TVCC will take on the lead agency role. Parents seeking services through the tykeTALK, Infant Hearing and Blind Low Vision Early Intervention Programs and families currently accessing services should continue to contact the Middlesex-London Health Unit at 519-663-0273 or 1-877-818-TALK (8255).

Media Contact:
Dan Flaherty, Communications Manager, Middlesex-London Health Unit, 519-663-5317 ext. 2469 or 519-617-0570 (cell)

Debbie Shugar, Manager of Screening, Assessment and Early Intervention, Middlesex-London Health Unit

Tags: tykeTALK, Infant Hearing, Blind Low Vision Early Intervention Programs, Thames Valley Childrens Centre