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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Mosquitoes Found in South East London Trap Test Positive for West Nile Virus

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With the promise of more hot days ahead in the summer of 2016, the Middlesex-London Health Unit is calling on residents to remain vigilant in preventing mosquito bites. The reminder comes after positive West Nile Virus mosquitoes were collected in a trap located in the Pond Mills area. In addition to using DEET to reduce mosquito biting, the Health Unit is drawing attention to the steps the public can take to reduce places where mosquitoes can breed on their properties.

“We know West Nile Virus is weather-dependent and continues to be present within Middlesex London, so it’s important not to let our guard down, especially now that we are starting to see positive mosquitoes in our community,” says Jeremy Hogeveen, Vector-Borne Disease Coordinator, with the Health Unit. “We continue to conduct adult mosquito surveillance and testing at 23 sites within the City of London and Middlesex County in the hopes that early detection will help to prevent the spread of infection into the human population.”

Practical ways to reduce mosquito populations include emptying rain gutters, flower pots, children’s toys and other places where water collects, as well as regularly changing the water in birdbaths and adding a fountain or pump to ornamental ponds in order to aerate the water. Individuals can protect themselves and their families from being bitten by wearing light-coloured long sleeved shirts and pants as well as using an insect repellant that contains DEET. The Health Unit also recommends avoiding the outdoors during the hours near dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are most active.

The majority of people (80%) who become infected with West Nile Virus do not get sick. Those who do become ill usually experience mild flu-like symptoms; less than 1% of people infected with the virus get seriously ill.

To date, the Health Unit’s Vector-Borne Disease team has almost completed the third and final round of 35,000 catch basin treatments in London and Middlesex County, as part of its ongoing West Nile Virus prevention program. The team continues to monitor approximately 250 standing water sites on public property and has treated approximately 7.7 hectares with a biological larvicide following the identification of vector mosquito larvae.

Media Contact:
Elizabeth Milne, Executive Assistant to the Board of Health & Communications, Middlesex-London Health Unit
519-663-5317 ext. 2448 or 519-617-0564 (cell)

Jeremy Hogeveen, Vector-Borne Disease Coordinator, Middlesex-London Health Unit


Tags: west nile virus, positive mosquito trap, DEET