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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Health Unit Confirms First Case of COVID-19 UK Variant in the Middlesex-London Region

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The Middlesex-London Health Unit was notified today by the Public Health Ontario Laboratory that a local individual previously diagnosed with COVID-19 has been identified as the region’s first person to be confirmed to have the U.K. variant of COVID-19. The person, whose illness has resolved, is in their 80s and has no history of travel outside of Canada. The Health Unit has not been advised of any other laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 U.K. variant cases in the London or Middlesex County.

The COVID-19 U.K. variant was first identified in Kent, United Kingdom on September 20, 2020; Ontario’s first case of the variant strain was identified in Durham Region on December 26, 2020.

“This is the first indication that the COVID-19 U.K. variant is present in London and Middlesex County. Data from the UK indicates that it may spread up to 50% more easily than other variants,” says Dr. Chris Mackie, Medical Officer of Health with the Middlesex-London Health Unit. “The best way to protect yourself and the community from further spread is to follow public health advice to the letter and adhere to the “Stay At Home” order issued by the province. That means not making trips out of your homes unless you have to and not having contact with people who aren’t part of your household.”

In addition to not travelling outside of Canada, the Health Unit is calling on the community to remain vigilant in preventing the spread of any type of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) by:

  • Limiting interactions to only those people who are part of your household.
  • Maintaining a physical distance of at least two metres from other people.
  • Always wearing a mask in enclosed places, or where physical distancing cannot be maintained and to consider wearing one while outside as well.
  • Washing your hands frequently with soap and water for 15-20 seconds or using a waterless hand sanitizer with at least 70 percent alcohol content.
  • Covering coughs and/or sneezes with your sleeve or coughing into your elbow.
  • Cleaning high-touch areas, such as doorknobs, frequently.
  • Downloading the COVID Alert mobile app to be notified if you may have been exposed to COVID-19, and to let others know if you test positive for the virus.
  • Visiting for details about how to get tested at a London Assessment Centre.

The Health Unit continues to work with the Ontario Ministry of Health, Public Health Ontario, and other local and provincial partners to monitor and address issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information about COVID-19, please visit or

Media Contact:
Stephanie Egelton, Communications Coordinator, Middlesex-London Health Unit
226-559-7157 (cell)

Dr. Chris Mackie, Medical Officer of Health, Middlesex-London Health Unit

Tags: COVID-19