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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Health Unit Declares Covid-19 Outbreak at Piero’s Pizza After Staff Test Positive

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The Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU) has declared a COVID-19 outbreak at Piero’s Pizza, located at 169 Wharncliffe Road South in London, after four members of the staff there tested positive for COVID-19. The Health Unit was notified of an initial case at the business on Tuesday, January 19th and received reports of additional cases on Friday the 22nd. Health Unit case investigators have determined that three of the staff members worked while they were infectious.

After investigating these new cases, the Health Unit has determined that transmission of COVID-19 has likely occurred at the store and for that reason has decided to declare an outbreak. Although the employees have indicated that they wore masks while they were at work and that there is a plexiglass barrier between customers and staff at the business, there may have been a low-risk exposure for some customers. The Health Unit advises customers who visited Piero’s Pizza, or had pizza delivered, between January 15th and January 19th, to monitor themselves for the development of COVID-19 symptoms. Individuals with symptoms should seek testing at one of London’s COVID-19 Assessment Centres.

“We know that it raises concerns when the Health Unit declares an outbreak, especially when it involves a restaurant. Customers who visited Piero’s or had pizza delivered between January 15th and January 19th, should monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 and seek testing if symptoms develop,” says Dr. Alex Summers, Associate Medical Officer of Health with the Middlesex-London Health Unit. “We will continue to follow up with these individuals to provide the support they need and take steps to prevent any further spread.”

The Health Unit recommends the following to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections:

  • Limit interactions to only those people who are part of your household.
  • Maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from other people.
  • Wear a mask in enclosed places, or where physical distancing cannot be maintained.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 15-20 seconds or use a waterless hand sanitizer with at least 70 percent alcohol content.
  • Cover coughs and/or sneezes with your sleeve or cough into your elbow.
  • Clean high-touch areas, such as doorknobs in public spaces, frequently.
  • Download the COVID Alert mobile app to be notified if you may have been exposed to COVID-19, and to let others know if you test positive for the virus.
  • Visit for how to get tested at a London Assessment Centre.

For more information about COVID-19, please visit the Middlesex-London Health Unit’s website at

Media Contact:
Dan Flaherty, Communications Manager, Middlesex-London Health Unit,
519-663-5317, extension 2469 of 519-617-0570 (cell)

Dr. Alex Summers, Associate Medical Officer of Health, Middlesex-London Health Unit

Tags: COVID-19, Coronavirus