Protect yourself and your community this weekend. If you're meeting friends - old and new - keep gatherings small and host them outside; make sure everyone is fully vaccinated. The Delta variant is circulating and the fourth wave of COVID is here. Please continue to follow public health guidance.
Doing activities with members of your household only |
Ideas: |
Watching or participating in virutal events |
Enjoy outdoor fall activities like apple picking with your household |
Walking or biking around London and Middlesex County |
Small gatherings outdoors - ensure everyone is vaccinated |
Tips: |
Avoid crowded spaces |
Maintain two metres of physical distance from others |
Wear a mask, especially if you can't maintain two meters of physical distance from others |
Avoid buffet-style meals or snacks everyone shares |
Any large gatherings indoors or outdoors |
Avoid: |
Participating in any gatherings where physical distancing can't be maintained |
Inviting a large number of guests into your home |
Gathering with anyone who is unvaccinated |
Sharing food or drink |