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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Health Unit Celebrates the Smoke-Free Ontario Act and Presents Tobacco-Free Public Health Champions Awards

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Against the backdrop of wide open and smoke free sports fields, the Middlesex-London Health Unit recognized the key roles played over the last decade that have reduced the influence of commercial tobacco in London and Middlesex County. Since it came into law, the Smoke-Free Ontario Act has significantly reduced tobacco use, the impacts of second-hand smoke, the influence of tobacco industry marketing and the modelling of smoking behavior that can trigger young people to light up.

“We’ve seen remarkable changes over the last 10 years; smoking rates have dropped and youth are less influenced by tobacco industry messages than they were in 2006,” says Dr. Christopher Mackie, Medical Officer of Health at the Middlesex-London Health Unit. “It has been an amazing journey and we wouldn’t be this far along, without the leadership shown by the people we’re honouring today.”

By prohibiting smoking in workplaces, in vehicles where children are present, and restaurant and bar patios; as well as restrictions on the display, promotion and sale of tobacco, the Act has resulted in many health benefits. Many have played leadership roles in calling for change, setting policy, and taking action against tobacco use; the Health Unit recognized those efforts today when it presented its Tobacco-Free Public Health Champions Awards.

Among those who received Tobacco-Free Public Health Champions awards were:

  • Rita Lapore, of Mission Services in the area of cessation;
  • Laura Lefave, of the Canadian Cancer Society in the area of cessation;
  • John Purvis, of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission in the area of protection;
  • Jamie Clark, of Saunders Secondary School in the area of prevention
  • Drewlo Holdings, in the area of protection;
  • Fanshawe College, in the areas of prevention, cessation and protection;
  • The London Police Services – Community-Oriented Response Unit in the area of protection;
  • The City of London, in the area of protection;
  • The Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc, in the area of protection;
  • The Township of Lucan-Biddulph, in the area of protection;
  • Youth volunteers from The One Life One You, Healthy Schools Committee, the Canadian Cancer Society and other organizations, in the area of prevention.

The awards celebration coincides with the 10th anniversary of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, as well as World No-Tobacco Day.

Media Contact:

Dan Flaherty, Communications Manager, Middlesex-London Health Unit,
519-663-5317 ext.2469 or 519-617-0570 (cell.)


Dr. Christopher Mackie, Medical Officer of Health, Middlesex-London Health Unit

Tags: MLHU Celebrates Smoke-Free Ontario Act, Tobacco-Free Public Health Champions Award