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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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MLHU Emphasizes Public Health Guidance as Stay-at-Home Order Lifts Wednesday

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The Middlesex-London Health Unit is emphasizing the importance of following public health guidance as Ontario’s Stay-at-Home Order is lifted today. Though stay-at-home restrictions are no longer in place, limits on gatherings, services and business remain in effect. This includes avoiding indoor gatherings with anyone who isn’t part of your household. The Health Unit is also underscoring the importance of continuing to follow the public health guidance that has been in place for months, including wearing a mask, maintaining two metres’ distance from others and washing your hands frequently.

“We are at a critical point of the pandemic’s third wave. Although we are seeing more people get vaccinated and case numbers in decline, mistakes now may end up being very costly,” says Dr. Chris Mackie, Medical Officer of Health with the Middlesex-London Health Unit. “We need people to continue following public health advice, avoiding gatherings with those who are not part of their household, and keeping up the effort to maintain physical distancing.”

While the Stay-at-Home Order has been lifted, other existing public health restrictions will remain in effect until the Province initiates Step 1 of its Roadmap to Reopen, which is anticipated to begin on Monday, June 14th.

The Health Unit recommends the following to help limit the spread of COVID-19:

  • If you live alone, consider only having close contact with one other household.
  • Wear a mask in any indoor setting outside of the home; including visits to the store and interactions with colleagues at work, or in breakrooms.
  • Do not go to work if you are feeling sick. Visit an Assessment Centre to get tested if you have symptoms of COVID-19, if you have been contacted by the Middlesex-London Health Unit or have been notified through the COVID Alert notification app, of a close contact with a confirmed case.
  • Limit outdoor gatherings to no more than five people.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 15-20 seconds or use a waterless hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.
  • Cover coughs and/or sneezes with your sleeve or cough into your elbow.
  • Clean high-touch areas, including doorknobs, handrails and other surfaces, frequently.
  • Download the COVID Alert mobile app to be notified if you may have been exposed to COVID-19, and to let others know if you test positive for the virus.

For a summary of public health measures in place before the province enters Step 1 of the Roadmap to Reopen visit the Roadmap to reopen at a glance. For more information visit the Middlesex-London Health Unit’s website at:

Media Contact:
Dan Flaherty, Communications Manager, Middlesex-London Health Unit
519-617-0570 (cell)

Dr. Chris Mackie, Medical Officer of Health, Middlesex-London Health Unit

Tags: COVID-19