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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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One of Canada’s Largest Health Studies Returns to Seek Participants for Local Study Centre in London

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Issued by the Middlesex-London Health Unit on behalf of the Ontario Health Study.

The Ontario Health Study (OHS) once again invites London area residents to participate in a long-term health research study and learn more about their health at the London Study Centre, October 4-5.

The Study encourages area residents, aged 30-74 years, to complete a short questionnaire and provide a blood sample that will enable researchers to better understand what affects our health and quality of life. The Study hopes to repeat these successes of its January 2015 run in London and is reaching out to previous participants to help spread the word.

Getting started:
Becoming involved is simple and straightforward. Each participant will receive a comprehensive blood analysis report of where their personal health falls within a reference range.
• Participants who have already completed the OHS questionnaire online will receive an email invitation to take part.
• New participants can visit to register and complete the online questionnaire. It only takes about an hour.
• Schedule an appointment using the online booking tool and visit the London Study Centre. Early morning and evening appointments are available.
• To talk with an OHS staff member call 1-866-606-0686 or email

Study Centre location and hours of operation:
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 317,
311 Oakland Avenue, London
Tuesday, October 4th, 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday October 5th, 8:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.

More than 235,000 Ontarians have taken the Ontario Health Study’s online questionnaire. Results from the Study may help improve the prevention and diagnosis of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

“The information provided in the OHS questionnaire by participants gives us an overall snapshot of the health of Ontarians as well as their exposure to common risk factors,” says Dr. Philip Awadalla, Executive Scientific Director of the OHS. “Combining questionnaire responses with a blood sample provided at the London Study Centre allows us to get a more detailed look at their health. These data allow researchers to draw comprehensive conclusions about the health of the overall population.”

The OHS is just one piece of an even larger national effort called the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project (CPTP). The CPTP consists of the OHS and four other regional studies: The BC Generations Project, Alberta’s Tomorrow Project, Quebec’s CARTaGENE and the Atlantic PATH. Nationally, the CPTP has more than 300,000 participants and more than 125,000 have provided a blood sample.

If you have any questions, speak to an OHS staff member by emailing or calling 1-866-606-0686.

The OHS follows strict privacy practices that govern how personal information is collected, who can see it and how it can be used.

For further information, please contact:
Jocelyn Garrett
Ontario Health Study
647-259-8936 or 905-825-4295

Tags: Ontario Health Study, Participants for local health study in London