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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Persistent Cold This Evening and Overnight Extends Cold Alert to Tomorrow

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London, ON – The very cold conditions that prompted the issuing of the Middlesex-London Health Unit’s fifth Cold Weather Alert of the year are expected to continue into Wednesday morning. The current Environment Canada forecast calls for a low of -16°C this evening with windchill values dropping to -24 overnight and into Wednesday morning.

The current Cold Weather Alert is expected to be lifted Wednesday morning.

With the extension of the current Alert, the Health Unit is also advising local agencies that provide shelter and assistance to the homeless to prepare for an increase in demand for their services.

To view a list of warming centres in the City of London, please visit

If you see someone who is outdoors and in distress due to the cold, contact London CAReS at 519-667-2273, if you feel the situation is a medical emergency, call 9-1-1.

Media Contact:

Dan Flaherty, Communications Manager, Middlesex-London Health Unit
519-663-5317 extension 2469 or 519-617-0570


Randy Walker, Public Health Inspector, Middlesex-London Health Unit