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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Health Unit Warns About Unlicensed Home-Based Tattoo Shop

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London, ON - The decision where to get a tattoo requires consideration; much more important than what it will look like, is who will create the tattoo. Public Health Inspectors from the Middlesex-London Health Unit inspected a home-based tattoo operation at a Waterloo Street residence recently, after receiving a complaint from a member of the public. During their visit, inspectors found that infection control measures and other safety procedures were deficient.

Such unsafe practices may result in the transmission of blood-borne infections, such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, as well as common skin infections. Despite the risk being low, the Health Unit recommends that clients of Boston’s Tattoos consult with their health care providers about the need for testing for hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV. It may be impossible to determine whether any positive blood tests resulted from procedures done at this location or if they are due to past exposures. The Health Unit emphasizes that this advisory is being issued as a precaution.

The symptoms of the blood-borne infections listed above may not be present. Until clients receive the results of their blood testing, they are urged to take steps to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. These include using a condom during sex and avoiding sharing injection drug equipment, razors, nail clippers, toothbrushes and other personal items.

For several years the Middlesex-London Health Unit has been raising awareness about the importance of getting good, clean art and reminding clients to ask the artist to see a public health inspection report before getting a tattoo. While getting body art is a personal decision, anyone considering getting a tattoo has to make sure their health and safety aren’t at risk when they get inked. Home-based tattoo services advertised on social media or classified ad websites, like kijiji and Craigslist, are not typically inspected by the Health Unit, or licensed by the City of London. Therefore, infection control measures cannot be ensured as there can be no way of determining if minimum safety standards are being met.

The Health Unit inspects licensed tattoo and body piercing businesses at least once a year and maintains a list of known premises. Members of the public are strongly advised to receive tattoos and body piercings only from premises inspected by the Health Unit. To see inspection reports for licensed tattoo establishments in London and Middlesex County, visit and click on the “tattoo and body piercing” link.

Media Contact:
Dan Flaherty, Communications Manager, Middlesex-London Health Unit,
519-663-5317 ext.2469 or 519-617-0570 (cell)

Tristan Squire-Smith, Manager of the Infectious Disease Control Team

Tags: Unlicensed Home-Based Tattoo, Tattoo