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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Body Fluid Exposure and Mandatory Blood Testing Act

Blood, saliva, urine, feces, and other bodily fluids can carry infections. Exposure to these fluids poses a risk of infectious disease transmission. An exposure may include:

  • A needle stick or cut from sharp object contaminated with blood and/or bodily fluids
  • Blood or bodily fluids contact with broken skin (i.e., open cut, wound, dermatitis).
  • Blood or bodily fluids contact with mucous membranes (i.e., eyes, nose, mouth).

This page provides information for the general public to identify, prevent, and manage blood and body fluid exposures. There are also resources available for health care providers and individuals who are eligble for source testing under the Mandatory Blood Testing Act (MBTA).

For general information, tools and facts about symptoms, risks and how to prevent, treat and manage blood-borne diseases please go here:

Middlesex-London Health Unit Programs and Services related to Body Fluid Exposures and Mandatory Blood Testing Act:

  • General public information
  • Health care provider information
  • Mandatory Blood Testing Act Follow-up

For General Public

If you have had a blood or body fluid exposure:

  • If possible, thoroughly wash the exposed area with soap and water. If you were splashed by blood or body fluids in or around the eyes, nose, or mouth, flush the area with water.
  • Seek immediate medical attention from your local emergency department as some treatment must be started within a time frame for it to be beneficial.
  • If this was an occupational exposure, report to your supervisor or manager, if applicable. You may need to fill out an incident report.
  • Check to see if the Mandatory Blood Testing Act applies to you. If it does, ensure you apply within 30 calendar days after exposure.

For Health Care Providers:

The Middlesex-London Health Unit has resources available to support healthcare providers with information about how to conduct initial assessment, blood testing, evaluate treatment decisions for the exposed person, and follow-up testing. This information can be found here - A Guide to the Management of Blood-Borne Exposures.

Mandatory Blood Testing

The Mandatory Blood Testing Act, 2006 (MBTA), allows the following individuals to have the blood of another person tested. You are eligible if you:

  • Have been a victim of crime
  • Provided emergency health care services or emergency first aid to another person
  • Belong to any of the following groups:
    • Employees in a correctional institution, place of open custody or place of secure custody
    • Police officers, civilian employees of a police service, First Nations constables and auxiliary members of a police service
    • Special constables (officers who are not employees of a police service)
    • Firefighters (including volunteer firefighters)
    • Paramedics and emergency medical attendants
    • Paramedic students engaged in field training
    • Members of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
    • Medical students engaged in training
    • Members of the College of Nurses of Ontario
    • Nursing students engaged in training

The Act covers the following infectious diseases only:

  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C

If you think you have been exposed to the bodily fluids of another person who may have one of the above infectious diseases, you should immediately contact a medical professional who can help assess the risk of infection and discuss care and treatment options.

If you are eligible for the Mandatory Blood Testing Act, make sure to inform the health care provider that you would like to apply for the Act and ask that they complete the necessary forms (see below).

  1. Applicant report
  2. Physician report form
  3. Laboratory requisition form
  4. Respondent report

To apply for mandatory blood testing, the eligible applicant must:

  • Complete the (1) Applicant Report and (2) Physician Report within 30 days of the exposure
  • Submit the application to
  • MLHU will screen the application to make sure it meets the requirements of the Act.
  • If it meets the requirements
    • The MLHU will attempt to contact the respondent (source of exposure) and request they provide a voluntary sample
    • Refer the application to the Consent and Capacity Board (CCB)
    • Maintain contact with you as your application is being referred
    • The CCB must begin and complete a hearing with five business days of receiving an application from MLHU.
Date of creation: September 20, 2023
Last modified on: June 7, 2024