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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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February 5, 2019 - Relocation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Members Present:

Mr. Ian Peer, Chair
Mr. John Brennan
Ms. Trish Fulton
Mr. Matt Reid

Mr. Michael Clarke

Others Present:

Dr. Christopher Mackie, Secretary-Treasurer
Ms. Lynn Guy, Executive Assistant to the Medical Officer of Health (Recorder)
Ms. Laura Di Cesare, Director, Healthy Organization
Mr. Joe Belancic, Manager, Procurement and Operations
Ms. Kendra Ramer, Manager, Strategic Projects
Ms. Amanda Harvey, Project Manager
Jeff Cameron, Manager, IT
Mr. Tom Bes, Project Manager (BES)
Mr. Endri Poletti, Architect
Ms. Nanda Lobato, Project Manager

At 1:00 p.m., Chair Peer called the meeting to order.

Disclosures of Conflict(s) of Interest

Chair Peer inquired if there were any disclosures of conflicts of interest to be declared. None were declared.

Approval of Agenda

Mr. Belancic asked that the Committee consider receiving Report No. 002-19RAC re: “Floor Plans” prior to Report No. 001-19RAC re: “Demolition Update.” The Committee agreed to this change.

It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Mr. Reid, that the amended AGENDA for the February 5, 2019 Relocation Advisory Committee meeting be approved. Carried

Approval of Minutes

It was moved by Mr. Reid, seconded by Mr. Brennan, that the MINUTES of the December 12, 2019 Relocation Advisory Committee meeting be approved. Carried

New Business

4.1 Location Project – Demolition Update, January 2019 (Report No. 001-19RAC)

Mr. Belancic provided context for this report.

Elevator update: Ms. Di Cesare noted that the cost remains an estimate, but will likely be lower than the 100,000 figure approved. Mr. Poletti suggested that estimates for elevator costs will be nearer the $50,000-to-$60,000 range.

Discussion ensued on the following items:
• The potential for future growth.
• The need for additional meeting space (one of the priorities noted by staff).
• None of the walls on the second floor are moveable.

Ms. Di Cesare advised that the next step in the project is to send out the floor plans for costing. It is hoped that costing will be ready to present to the Board of Health at its February 21 meeting.

It was moved by Ms. Fulton, seconded by Mr. Brennan, that the Relocation Advisory Committee recommend that the Board of Health receive Report No. 001-19RAC re: “Location Project – Demolition Update, January 2019” for information. Carried

4.2 Floor Plan – Final Draft (Report No. 002-19RAC)

Dr. Mackie introduced the report, noting that a substantial amount of work has gone into this process in order to ensure that quality service is provided to clients and that a well-planned, efficient work space for staff is designed.

Mr. Poletti introduced his company, Endri Poletti Architect Inc., and the tasks they have been asked to carry out since being contracted by the Health Unit in August 2018.

Other consulting organizations that will be involved were mentioned.

Mr. Poletti provided Committee members a look at the data collected from the staff consultations that took place during the project’s needs assessment phase.

In a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Poletti showed an interactive map of the Citi Plaza location, which noted parking, entrances and exits, and nearby streets. He then walked the Committee through the lower-level and first-floor plans. Ms. Nanda Lobato, Project Manager, then reviewed the second floor and mezzanine.

It was moved by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Reid, that the Relocation Advisory Committee receive Report No. 002-19RAC re: “Floor Plan – Final Draft” for information. Carried

Other Business

The next meeting of the Relocation Advisory Committee will be called when required.


At 2:00 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Reid, seconded by Mr. Brennan, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried



Date of creation: January 31, 2019
Last modified on: February 22, 2019