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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Physical Activity - School Age Children

Keep your children active and help them grow and develop to their full potential. Learn about the benefits of physical activity and ways to easily build physical activity into each and every day.


October is International Walk to School Day/Week/Month. iWalk is a time to encourage children to use active travel (such as walking and biking) to and from school for one day, week, or month in October, to help make the active choice the healthy, safe, and easy choice!

School Travel Planning

School Travel Planning promotes a healthy and safe school through the use of active transportation.

Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines For Children and Youth: An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Sleep

The 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for children and youth recommends how much “sweat, step, sleep and sit” are needed each day for optimal health.

Pause to Play

Pause to Play is a school based program to help students and families become aware of time spend in front of screens and find way to replace that time with physical activity.


Learn about safety. Reduce injury rates and increase safety for children to fully enjoy being physically active.


Find tips to get children to be more active!

Date of creation: January 8, 2013
Last modified on: February 6, 2018