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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Labour Support Options

Research shows that labour support is important for you, not only to have a positive birth experience. It is equally important for a healthy birth outcome for both you and your baby.3 4 Continuous labour support has been shown to reduce stress, fear, and anxiety.4 It has also been shown to decrease labour interventions.3 4 “Have continuous support” is one of the Lamaze Healthy Birth Practices1.


Labour Support Options

There are many different labour support options available:

  • Partner
  • Family member
  • Friend
  • Birth doula


Birth doulas provide continuous, emotional and physical comfort, support and encouragement to you and your partner throughout your labour and birth experience.2 Using a doula is one of many ways to help you have the best birth for you.

A 2017 Cochrane Review found: "Continuous support from a person who is present solely to provide support, is not a member of the woman's own network, is experienced in providing labour support, and has at least a modest amount of training (such as a doula)"2 provides the following outcomes2. They found no harms2:

Benefits for labour and postpartum2:

  • more spontaneous vaginal births
  • shorter labours
  • greater satisfaction with their birth experiences

Benefits for Babies2:

  • less likely to have low five-minute Apgar scores at birth.

Doula services are not covered by Ontario's Health Insurance; however, they may be covered by private insurance. Some doulas may also offer sliding scale fees.

Doulas can provide support during several different times of life transitions. For more information about doulas or to find a certified doula in London or Middlesex County please go to the following websites:

Date of creation: February 19, 2015
Last modified on: June 27, 2024


1Healthy Birth Practice 3: Bring a loved one, friend or doula for continuous support. (n.d.). Retrieved from
2Bohren, M. A., Hofmeyr, G. J., Sakala, C., Fukuzawa, R. K., & Cuthbert, A. (2017). Continuous support for women during childbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7). Retrieved from
3World Health Organization. (2018, February). WHO recommendations: intrapartum care for a positive childbirth experience. Retrieved from
4Bonapace, J., Gagné, G., Chaillet, N., Gagnon, R., Hébert, E., & Buckley, S. (2018). No. 355-Physiologic Basis of Pain in Labour and Delivery: An Evidence-Based Approach to its Management. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 40(2), 227-245.