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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Dead Crow Found In Middlesex County Tests Positive for West Nile Virus

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London, ON – A dead crow found in Ailsa Craig has tested positive for West Nile Virus, which is the second positive crow this year and the first in Middlesex County. Last week a bird found in London near Oxford and Wonderland tested positive for West Nile Virus.

“These birds remind us that West Nile Virus is present in Middlesex-London and that we need to take the steps to protect ourselves and family from mosquito bites,” says Jeremy Hogeveen, Vector-Borne Disease Coordinator with the Middlesex-London Health. “In addition to the Health Unit’s increased surveillance in the area, we’re asking the community to help us reduce mosquito populations by dumping or draining standing water on your property.”

To protect yourself and your family against West Nile Virus, the Health Unit recommends:

  • Wearing light coloured clothing with long-sleeves, pants and socks in areas where mosquitoes are present, especially at dusk and dawn when they are most active.
  • Using an insect repellent with DEET. Follow directions for use, especially for children.
  • Fixing holes in screens, windows and doors.
  • Regularly emptying standing water from garbage cans, wheelbarrows, toys, flowerpots and saucers, pool covers, tires, and other items around your home and yard.
  • Cleaning clogged eaves troughs.
  • Cleaning and changing water in bird baths every other day.
  • Keeping pool pumps circulating.
  • Aerating ponds or stocking them with fish.
  • Covering openings in rain barrels.

The MLHU Vector-Borne Disease Team monitors approximately 230 standing water sites located on public property each week and when vector mosquitoes are identified, a larvicide is applied to control the mosquito larvae. This is in addition to the treatment of roadside catch basins in London and Middlesex County. The Health Unit will also continue to test adult mosquitoes for West Nile Virus throughout the region to determine if it is present.

The Health Unit is still calling on the community to assist in identifying standing water locations. These can be reported to the Health Unit by calling 519-663-5317, ext. 2300 or by visiting

Media Contact:
Alex Tyml, Online Communications Coordinator, Middlesex-London Health Unit
519-663-5317 extension 2560, or 226-236-1941 (cell.)

Jeremy Hogeveen, Vector-Borne Disease Coordinator, Middlesex-London Health Unit

Tags: West Nile Virus