Poison Prevention
Did you know? Most poisonings occur in children less than 6 years of age, yet most poisonings are both predictable and preventable.
Safety Tips
- Actively supervise young children
- Keep all poisons locked up and out of sight and reach of young children, this includes: medicines and herbal products, household cleaners, plants, antifreeze and windshield washer fluid
- Install carbon monoxide alarms according to the manufacturer’s instructions
- Keep the number of the nearest Poison Centre nearby and stored it in your cell phone1
- Teach children the hazard symbols and what they mean2
Medicine Safety
Medicines are the leading source of poisoning for children. Most poisonings occur in the home. Always keep medication locked up and out of sight and reach of children .
Safe Use
- Do not take your medicine in front of your children as they often imitate others. Medicine can look like candy.
- Never share medicine with others, or use someone else’s medicine.
- Take medicine as directed. Read instructions carefully.
- Check the expiry dates. Ask your pharmacist if you are not sure when the medicine expires.
- Never refer to medicine as candy. Medicine that is flavoured will be very appealing to children. Use extra caution with these types of medicines.
Safe Storage
- Lock up all medicine, including those for pets.
- Safety lids on medicine bottles are NOT childproof. Do not depend on safety lids to keep children protected.
- Keep medicine in its original container.
- Medicine should not be kept in your purse or diaper bag.
- Do not keep your medicine in the bathroom. Heat and moisture could spoil it.
- Refrigerate medicine only if it says to do so on the label.
- When visitors come to your home, make sure they keep their bags or purses out of reach.
Cannabis Edibles
Cannabis edibles may look appealing to children and youth, so make sure they are properly labelled, locked up and stored out of sight and reach of children and youth. Children who eat cannabis products are at risk of serious harm. Learn more →
Accidental cannabis poisonings are increasing in Ontario
The Ontario Poison Centre is seeing an increase in cases of children unintentionally eating edible cannabis products and requiring hospital admission. Health Canada is also warning that accidental ingestion of “copycat” edible cannabis products is causing serious harms to children.
Laundry Detergent Packets

Laundry detergent packets are small and often brightly coloured, and may be mistaken by children for candy. These products often contain highly concentrated cleaning agents that can be dangerous if ingested or if they come into contact with skin or eyes, so always keep them locked out of sight and reach of children.
Did you know?
- If ingested, laundry detergent packets can cause serious illness or even death.
- If a laundry detergent packet bursts and comes into contact with skin it can cause serious skin reactions or chemical burns. Contact with the eye could result in temporary blindness or serious injury.
More Information
- For more information about laundry detergent packets, please visit www.canada.ca.
Last modified on: July 13, 2023