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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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What is TB Immigration Medical Surveillance?

TB immigration medical surveillance is medical follow-up to find out if a person is at risk for or has developed active TB. When people who were born in another country apply to come to Canada for 6 months or more, to live, work, study, or visit, they have to complete a medical exam. This medical exam is called an Immigration Medical Examination (IME). Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) reviews the exam results to see if there is a risk of TB.

If you are found to have active TB on the immigration medical exam, you must be treated before being allowed to enter Canada. You will need to complete medical surveillance once you arrive.

If you are found to be well but have a history of active TB or possible inactive TB, you will be allowed to come to Canada but will also need to complete TB immigration medical surveillance once you arrive.

When a person applies to extend a visitor, work or student VISA or applies for a change to their immigration status while living in Canada, they also have to complete an IME. If you are found to be well but have a history of active TB or possible inactive TB, you will be allowed to stay in Canada but will also need to complete TB immigration medical surveillance through the local public health unit. If you are found to be sick with active TB while in Canada, you will be given treatment free of charge in Canada.


Immigration Medical Surveillance Reporting Form

Report Here


Having active TB and taking treatment for active TB in Canada, will not affect your immigration status. 

People that need medical surveillance will be given instructions by IRCC to report to their local public health unit. They will be given a Medical Surveillance Undertaking form (IMM 0535) or e-mailed an In-Canada Public Health Follow-up letter to let them know they must meet this requirement of immigration.

How do I report for medical surveillance?

If you live in the City of London or in Middlesex County, you need to call the Middlesex-London Health Unit to report for medical surveillance.

Contact Us

Call 519-663-5317 (Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.) and ask to speak with the Infectious Disease Control Team.

How long does medical surveillance take?

In Middlesex-London, the medical surveillance program usually takes 6 months to complete. If you do get sick with active TB while you are living in Middlesex-London, a nurse from the Middlesex-London Health Unit will work with you and your doctor to make sure you get treated with free TB medicine until you get better.  

How much does medical surveillance cost?

The initial assessment with the Public Health Nurse at the Middlesex-London Health Unit is free. If you need someone who speaks your language for your initial appointment (usually by phone), a professional interpreter can be provided at no cost. Any other doctor visits or chest x-ray exams will be covered by most health insurance plans such as Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP), Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP), and some school or university insurance plans (UHIP). Please note, MorecCare and UHIP do not usually cover the cost of the x-ray for IMS purposes. The x-ray is a required part of the IMS process and will need to be completed to ensure compliance with the IMS requirements. If you have any concerns about medical surveillance costs talk to the Public Health Nurse at your initial assessment visit.  

Will medical surveillance affect my immigration process?

Being diagnosed with active TB does not affect your immigration status in Canada. 

Medical surveillance is a requirement by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. The Middlesex-London Health Unit must send proof that you have finished medical surveillance to IRCC so this condition is removed from your immigration file. 

If you do not complete medical surveillance, it may affect your eligibility or delay your application(s) for visitor, work or student VISA extensions or changes to your immigration status.  

If you leave the country before completing medical surveillance, you may be questioned at the border/airport the next time you try to return to Canada. 

What else do I need to know about medical surveillance?

It is important to tell the Public Health Nurse at the Health Unit if you change your address while you are on TB medical surveillance in order to maintain communication between you and public health.

  • If you move to another city, your file will be transferred to the health unit where you plan to live.
  • If you are planning to leave the country (for a short time or permanently) and will miss your next medical assessment, please let the Public Health Nurse know.
  • If you develop signs and symptoms of active TB while completing your medical surveillance, speak to your doctor right away or call the Middlesex-London Health Unit. 

Contact Us

If you live in London or Middlesex County and are required to complete medical surveillance for TB, please call the Middlesex-London Health Unit at 519-663-5317 and ask to speak with the Infectious Disease Control Team.

Date of creation: February 27, 2013
Last modified on: February 7, 2025