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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Minutes - October 15, 2020 - Board of Health Meeting

Members Present:

Ms. Maureen Cassidy (Chair)
Ms. Aina DeViet (Vice-Chair)
Mr. John Brennan
Ms. Kelly Elliott
Mr. Bob Parker
Mr. Ian Peer
Mr. Matt Reid
Ms. Tino Kasi
Ms. Arielle Kayabaga

Others Present:

Dr. Christopher Mackie, Medical Officer of Health (Secretary Treasurer)
Ms. Lynn Guy, Executive Assistant to the Medical Officer of Health and Associate Medical Officer of Health (Recorder)
Dr. Alexander Summers, Associate Medical Officer of Health
Dr. Michael Clarke, CEO (Interim)
Ms. Nicole Gauthier, Acting Director, Healthy Organization
Ms. Heather Lokko, Director, Healthy Start
Ms. Maureen MacCormick, Director, Healthy Living
Ms. Cynthia Bos, Manager, Human Resources
Mr. Dan Flaherty, Manager, Communications
Mr. Alex Tyml, Online Communications Coordinator
Mr. Jason Micallef, Marketing Coordinator

Chair Cassidy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

Chair Cassidy inquired if there were any disclosures of conflicts of interest. None were declared.

Approval of Agenda

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. DeViet, that the AGENDA for the October 15, 2020 Board of Health meeting be approved.


It was moved by Mr. Parker, seconded by Ms. Kayabaga, that the MINUTES of the September 17, 2020 Board of Health meeting be approved.

It was moved by Mr. Parker, seconded by Ms. Kayabaga, that the MINUTES of the July 16, 2020 Governance Committee be received.

Reports and Agenda Items

Governance Committee Verbal Update

Ms. DeViet, Chair, Governance Committee, advised the Board of Health that there are approximately a dozen policies that are passed due for review and about the same number that are coming due.

The recommendation is to start a new process to spread the workload out for the Governance Committee members between meetings. They will be able to submit suggestions prior to the meeting for discussion.

Report No. 012-20GC Governance By-Law and Policy Review

It was moved by Ms. De Viet, seconded by Ms. Kayabaga, that the Board of Health:
1. Receive Report No. 012-20 GC re: “Governance By-Law and Policy Review”;
2. Approve the new governance policy review process appended to this report as Appendix A); and
3. Approve the governance policy appended to this report as Appendix D.


Update on Confidential Board of Health Reports and Criteria (Report No. 046-20)

Dr. Mackie spoke to this report. He noted that the main change is that going forward, staff will use the criteria outlined in the template to advise why their report is being brought forward as an in-camera item.

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. Kasi, that Report No. 0046-20 re: “Update on Confidential Board of Health Reports and Criteria” be received for information

COVID-19 Update (verbal)

Dr. Summers provided this verbal update. He noted that it has been a very few weeks. The Province is reporting anywhere from 700-900 cases per day and this signifies that we are in the second wave of the pandemic. Hot spots in Ontario have moved to a modified stage 2.

Locally, the Health Unit saw 25 cases last Sunday, the highest number since the beginning of the pandemic. There has been little transmission within the schools, however there has been an increase in Long-Term Care and Retirement homes.

Robust local interventions are well underway to ensure businesses and schools stay open.

Operationally, MLHU staff have once again been redeployed. The hiring initiative for the COVID Team and backfills, enhancements largely successful.

Dr. Summers noted that the objectives for case and contact management are being met and staff are continuing to evolve the process for case and contact management.

Mr. Parker asked how long test results are taking to come in and how long is it taking to get tested. Dr. Summers noted that prior to school starting, there was a backlog. Since the Assessment Centres have adjusted their process, that has helped. They are moving away from “everyone” gets tested to only those with symptoms and those who may have been exposed. That has also helped. Dr. Summers advised that it is currently taking about 24-48 hours for lab results. He said that the struggle now is ensuring that the people who need to get tested, get tested in a timely manner.

Mr. Peer provided his insight and gratitude.
Ms. Kayabaga asked about testing downtown and the school system policies. Dr. Summers noted that the responsibility for testing lies with the hospital system and MLHU partners. He noted that there are still only two assessment centres in the region, but noted that some primary care givers are providing limited testing. London Paramedics are working with MLHU to get testing at various other locations when necessary.
Dr. Summers noted that children with symptoms of a cold could actually have COVID. It is a challenge to determine whether or not to send them to school. He said that people should use the on-line screening tool for children. He briefly explained how the tool works.

Ms. Kayabaga asked if the Assessment Centres will remain public. Dr. Summers noted that he can only assume that any expansions of testing centres would remain through the public service.

Ms. DeViet asked about case and contact management. She was reminded that in the spring the Health Unit used volunteer medical students. How is the process working now? Dr. Summers noted that having the Medical Students from Western was great. Now that they are back in school, contact tracers are currently being interviewed and hired. Case investigating and contact tracers is ideally done by the same person. As case numbers climb, case and contact needs to be separated so that they are being done by separate people to utilize expertise and skills.

Chair Cassidy asked if based on what happened in the first wave, when can we anticipate the peak to come this time. Dr. Summers noted that the Health Unit monitors the data very closely. Dr. Mackie noted that the first wave ended when dramatic measures were put in place. Now that the cold weather is coming, more people are indoors, therefore there are more opportunities to spread the disease. There is a good reason to believe that this will grow until more public health measures and restrictions are put in place. It was noted however that there is a downside to additional restrictions on the community and can be very disruptive.

Chair Cassidy asked about the flu season and the spread. Dr. Summers noted that there is some favourable evidence this year that the flu season will not be as bad as last year. He noted that he believes there will be a higher uptake of the flu vaccine. The measures that we are using for COVID, handwashing etc. will help stop the spread of influenza.

It was moved by Ms. DeViet, seconded by Ms. Elliott that the Board of Health receive “COVID-19 Verbal Update” for information.

Medical Officer of Health Activity Report For October (Report No. 047-20)

It was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Mr. Parker, that Report No. 047-20 re: “Medical Officer of Health Activity Report for October” be received for information.


Chair Cassidy inquired if there were any questions, hearing none she asked for a mover and seconder.

It was moved by Mr. Reid, seconded by Ms. Kasi, that the Board of Health receive items a) through c) for information.

Other Business

Next meeting – November 26, 2020

Chair Cassidy noted that the meeting for November will be one week later to accommodate Board Members to attend the Pillar Community Innovation Awards.

Tickets are available if you contact Lynn Guy.


At 7:47 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Mr. Parker, that the Board of Health move in-camera to consider matters regarding labour relations and identifiable individuals

At 8:40 p.m. it was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Ms. Elliott, that the Board of Health return to public session.


At 8:41 p.m., it was moved by Mr. Peer, seconded by Mr. Reid, that the meeting be adjourned.

Maureen Cassidy

Christopher Mackie

Date of creation: November 20, 2020
Last modified on: November 27, 2020