The Middlesex-London Health Unit provides phone and/or in-person support for people that have challenges with breastfeeding.
Please have your clients
call 519-663-5317 and press 5 to speak with a public health nurse about breastfeeding support.
Health Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend exclusive breastfeeding for about 6 months, at which time, iron-rich complementary foods are added, and breastfeeding is continued up to 2 years and beyond.
If your client is experiencing concerns about breastfeeding, parenting, perinatal mental health, infant growth and development, or other related challenges, please complete a referral to a home visiting program. Support is available during the prenatal, postpartum and early childhood period.
Most women can breastfeed successfully but may use infant formula for medical or personal reasons. If a person makes an informed decision to use formula, client infant formula information is available to ensure proper preparation and cleaning.
The Middlesex-London Health Unit provides phone and/or in-person support for people that have challenges with breastfeeding.
Please have your clients
call 519-663-5317 and press 5 to speak with a public health nurse about breastfeeding support.