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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Cervical Screen (formerly Pap Tests)

A cervical screen involves a physical examination using a device called a speculum. The speculum is inserted into the vagina so that the cervix can be seen. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens into the vagina (birth canal). A small brush is used to gather cells from the cervix, and the cells are sent to a lab to be tested for abnormal changes.


Why do I need a Cervical Screen?

 A cervical screen tests for cervical cancer, which is caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a family of viruses commonly found in individuals. There are many different types of HPV. Some types of HPV cause cervical cancer and some other types cause genital warts. Most types do not cause any symptoms. HPV is passed from one person to another through close skin-to-skin contact during intimate sexual contact.

Most sexually active people will come into contact with HPV at some point in their lifetime. Usually there are no symptoms and most people do not know that they have an HPV infection. For most people, the infection usually clears on its own within two years.

Although cells on the cervix are always growing and changing, the types of HPV found on the cervix cause the cells to change and become abnormal. Often these abnormal cells return to normal once the HPV virus has cleared, but if it does not, a cervical screen will show the abnormal cells to determine if treatment is necessary. If left untreated for a number of years, abnormal cells can slowly turn into cervical cancer.


Should I have a Cervical Screen?

If you have ever had any sexual skin-to-skin contact, you need to have regular cervical screens starting at age 25. This includes intercourse, intimate touching, and oral sexual contact.

Based on the latest clinical evidence, cervical cancer screening every 3 years is effective. A cervical screen should be a part of your regular health check-up until you are 70 years old. The risk of getting cervical cancer does not decrease with age.

Cervical screening can stop after the age of 70 if you have had at least three normal tests in the prior 10 years. If you have had a hysterectomy, talk to your health care provider to see if you still need a cervical screen.

When is the best time for a Cervical Screen?

Try to make the appointment for a day when you do not have your period.

Who should have a Cervical Screen?

  • Anyone with a cervix
  • Asymptomatic
  • Age ≥ 25 but no older than 49
  • Have ever been sexually active
  • Screening every 5 years if previous screening test negative, HPV negative (immunocompromised every 3 years)
  • Currently require a valid Ontario Health Card and it should soon be expanded to include IFH patients and UHIP/CHIP clients.


Date of creation: January 8, 2013
Last modified on: February 28, 2025