Sexual Development Ages 4-5
Emotional Development
Most children aged four to five will:
- Still rely on caregivers, while no longer needing or wanting as much physical contact with caregivers as they received in infancy and as toddlers
- Continue to express emotions physically and to seek hugs and kisses
- Socialize with peers, begin to develop relationships, and learn to recognize some peers as friends and others as people they don't like
- Have more opportunities to interact with peers, either through school or recreational activities, and will play with other children
Sexual Development
Most children aged four to five will:
- Experience vaginal lubrication or erection
- Touch their genitals for pleasure
- Feel curiosity about everything, and ask about where babies come from and how they were born
- Feel curiosity about bodies and may play games like doctor
- Feel sure of their own gender and have the ability to recognize males and females
- Begin to recognize traditional male and female gender roles and to distinguish these roles by gender
- Become conscious of their own body, how it appears to others, and how it functions
What Families Need to Do to Raise Sexually Healthy Children
To help four- to five-year-old children develop a healthy sexuality, families should:
- Help children understand the concept of privacy and that talk about sexuality is private and occurs at home.
- Teach correct names of the major body parts (internal and external) and their basic functions.
- Explain how babies "get into" the mother's uterus.
- Encourage children to come to them or other trusted adults for information about sexuality.
Contact Us
For more information, please contact The Clinic at 519-663-5317.
Date of creation: March 26, 2007
Last modified on: August 27, 2014
Last modified on: August 27, 2014
1Reproduced with permission from Advocates for Youth Website © 2001, Advocates for Youth Retrieved from