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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Harvest Bucks

Harvest Bucks sponsorship may be applied for by emergency food programs and community food programs. The Harvest Bucks Sponsorship Program includes: 1) Harvest Bucks vouchers, 2) London Good Food Boxes, and 3) Community Pop-Up Markets.

Harvest Bucks vouchers may be used to buy eggs, fresh vegetables and fruit at various locations in London and Middlesex County. Harvest Bucks vouchers may be purchased by individuals or organizations.

Harvest Bucks is organized with support from various community partners including London’s Child and Youth Network, Age Friendly London Network, London Food Bank, Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU), London Intercommunity-Health Centre, Middlesex-London Food Policy Council, Glen Cairn Community Resource Centre, Covent Garden Market, The Market at Western Fair District, Urban Roots London, and other local community partners and businesses. 

  • Organization sponsorship applications will be open from January 24th to February 14th 2025. Please complete the online application
  • Harvest Bucks vouchers are available for purchase using the Direct Purchase Request.

Table of Contents

The primary goals of the Harvest Bucks program are to:

  • Increase access to and consumption of fresh vegetables and fruit
  • Increase awareness and knowledge of, and comfort/familiarity with, farmers’ markets, small community grocers, and supporting local producers
  • Increase the comprehensiveness of local community-based food programming

Locations that Accept Harvest Bucks Vouchers (2024)





How to Apply for and/or Purchase Harvest Bucks

Sponsorship applications are for non profit organizations or charities (not individuals) that are currently running a community program supported by staff and/or volunteers. 

For Organizations

Organization sponsorship applications will be open January 24th to February 14th, 2025. Please complete the online application.

Harvest Bucks vouchers are available for organization direct purchase at any time. Harvest Bucks cost $5 for a $5 voucher.  Please allow adequate time for processing your order and Harvest Bucks printing.

For more information, see the Harvest Bucks Voucher Frequently Asked Questions (PDF).

For Individuals

Individuals cannot apply for Harvest Bucks funding. Various community food programs and emergency food programs distribute Harvest Bucks throughout the year. Contact your local community health centre, neighbourhood resource centre, or emergency food programs to see if they distribute Harvest Bucks through programs you’re interested in and eligible for.

Individuals may purchase Harvest Buck vouchers. Harvest Bucks costs $5 for a $5 voucher. Individual Harvest Bucks purchases must be made with cash. Please allow adequate time for processing your order and Harvest Bucks printing. 


Financial donations are accepted for the Harvest Bucks program. 100% of donations will be used to provide sponsorship for community organizations.

Donations over $100

Donations over $100 are eligible for a tax receipt through the Middlesex-London Health Unit. Please make cheques payable to the Middlesex-London Health Unit and mail to the Harvest Bucks Program c/o Lisa Kelliher at Middlesex-London Health Unit, CitiPlaza 110-355 Wellington St, London, ON, N6A 3N7.

Donations under $100

Donations under $100 are eligible for a tax receipt through the London Food Bank only. Donations may be made online selecting Harvest Bucks as the fund for your donation. Please make cheques payable to the London Food Bank and mail to 926 Leathorne Street, London, ON, N5Z 3M5. Make sure to say that your donation is for the Harvest Bucks program.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please email

Date of creation: June 3, 2013
Last modified on: February 12, 2025