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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Registered Dietitians in Our Community

What is a Registered Dietitian?

A Registered Dietitian has earned a four-year university degree in food and nutrition and completed supervised practical training. In Ontario, Registered Dietitians must register with the College of Dietitians of Ontario. A Public Health Nutritionist working for a public health unit in Ontario is also a Registered Dietitian. This is the only time, in Ontario, where the term nutritionist is the same as a dietitian.
Registered Dietitians work in many different settings in our community. Depending on where they work, Registered Dietitians may be available to the general public to answer questions and provide advice, while some may require a referral from a doctor or other health professional. Registered Dietitians work with people of all ages and with a variety of health concerns.

Below are some places Registered Dietitians may work.

Private Practice

Dietitians working in private practice help patients with a variety of health concerns and charge a fee. You do not usually require a doctor’s referral to see a dietitian working in private practice. Use this list of Private Practice Dietitians (PDF) in our area to find a dietitian that is right for you.

Community Health Centres

Dietitians working in Community Health Centres often provide group or individual counselling to members of the community about a variety of health topics including heart health, diabetes, meal planning and general healthy eating. For a list of Community Health Centres in Ontario, visit the Government of Ontario – Community Health Centres.

Family Health Teams

Dietitians working for Family Health Teams provide individual and group counselling about a variety of nutrition topics to patients of doctors connected to the Family Health Team. For a list of Family Health Teams in Ontario, visit the Government of Ontario – Family Health Teams.

Diabetes Education Centre

Dietitians from the Diabetes Education Centre at St. Joseph’s Health Care London educate and counsel people who are living with diabetes or trying to prevent diabetes. This includes adults and children with Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes.

Eating Disorder Services

London Health Science Centre’s Adult Eating Disorder Program and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care Program are available to provide specialized treatment for people with eating disorders and their families. Dietitians in other settings may also  provide support for people with eating disorders.

Home and Community Care Support Services

Dietitians working for Home and Community Care Support Services provide nutrition counselling and education in the home or residence of clients who meet eligibility criteria.

Health 811

For questions about food and eating, you can now speak to a Registered Dietitian by calling 811 (TTY:1-866-797-0007). Dietitians are available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.. The phone number is toll-free and translation services are available by request.

Date of creation: January 21, 2013
Last modified on: February 6, 2025