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If you have any questions or would like additional informaion, please contact the Program Planning & Evaluation team:

The EVALUTE phase includes 4 stages. Below is an overview of each. Each stage has a corresponding stage guide that can be be opened by selecting the stage title's buttons or the title of the brief description.
If you have any questions or would like additional informaion, please contact the Program Planning & Evaluation team:
In this stage, you will work with relevant stakeholders to assess the program status, clarify the purpose and develop key evaluation questions. This will ensure that you obtain the information you need to inform the decisions you want to make.
Stakeholder Analysis | Evaluability Assessment |
In this stage, you will develop an Evaluation Plan and Work Plan to complete your evaluation activities. Completing an evaluation takes time and resources. It is important that you secure the resources and supports you need before you start.
Evaluation Plan | Population Health Assessment and Surveillance |
Work Plan | New Data Collection |
In this stage, you will start to gather credible information to answer your evaluation questions. Monitor data collection activitiesto ensure that you are on track with obtaining the data you need to answer your questions.
Work Plan | |
New Data Collection |
In this stage, you will apply various strategies to share findings from the evaluation with the relevant audiences. Sharing results in the appropriate format and with the relevant audiences increases the likelihood of the findings being understood and utilized to improve the program.