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Middlesex-London Health Unit

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Following Public Health Guidance Critical as Ramadan Begins

For the second year in a row, COVID-19 will once again effect how the Muslim community celebrates the holy month of Ramadan. The Middlesex-London Health Unit is reminding everyone of the importance of following public health guidance as the third wave of the pandemic persists and local case numbers continue to climb. While many Muslims would normally go without food or drink from dawn until dusk each day during Ramadan before breaking their fast and praying with friends and family each evening, the ongoing presence of COVID-19 in our communities will mean celebrations will have to be modified. In order to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19, the Health Unit is advising that celebrations, meals and prayers be limited to only those who live in the same household and that any contact with friends and family be virtual.

Those 60 and Older in London, Middlesex, Oxford and Elgin Counties Eligible to Receive COVID-19…

The Middlesex-London Health Unit and Southwestern Public Health will expand COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to those aged 60 and older starting Tuesday morning. Anyone born in 1961 or earlier will be able to book an appointment to get their first dose of vaccine, as of 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. The decision to expand eligibility to those age 60 and older comes a week after first-dose appointments were extended to those 65 years of age and older.

Vaccine Eligibility Expands Today to Include All Those 65 and Older in London, Middlesex, Oxford…

Strong uptake combined with increasing supply and the start of vaccination in local pharmacies have led the Middlesex-London Health Unit and Southwestern Public Health to expand COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to those aged 65 and older. Starting today, anyone born in 1956 or earlier can book an appointment to get their first dose of vaccine. The decision to invite a wider population to get vaccinated comes just over a week after the vaccine was made available to those 70 years of age and older.

All Those Over the Age of 70 in London, Middlesex, Oxford and Elgin Counties Now Eligible to…

With an increasing amount of COVID-19 vaccine and vaccination efforts going well for those between the ages of 75 and 79, the Middlesex-London Health Unit and Southwestern Public Health will expand the list of those who can receive the vaccine to include all those 70 years of age and older. The expanded eligibility comes into effect immediately.

COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments for Those 75 to 79 Years of Age to Open Monday

With the growing number of people who have already received a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, the Province announced this morning it will be expanding the list of those who can receive a vaccine, ahead of schedule. Following Premier Doug Ford’s announcement, the Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU), Southwestern Public Health (SWPH) and Huron Perth Public Health (HPPH) will expand COVID-19 vaccination eligibility to an age group that ranges from those who will turn 75 this year to those who are 79, starting Monday, March 22nd.

Health Unit Declares Community Outbreak after 22 COVID-19 Cases Linked to Recent Social Gatherings

The Middlesex-London Health Unit has declared a COVID-19 community outbreak after 22 people who attended social gatherings held last week tested positive for the virus. Health Unit investigators are aware of at least 10 post-secondary student gatherings held at private London homes between March 2nd and March 6th that are linked to this outbreak. Investigators are continuing the work of determining the number of close contacts associated with those who have tested positive.

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Safely

This St. Patrick’s Day, be “GREEN”, stick with your household, and avoid close contact with everyone else - no matter how you’re celebrating! COVID-19 cases are rising and Variants of Concern are spreading. We must double-down on our efforts to fight COVID-19.

Second-Dose Vaccine Appointments Extended Up to 112 Days as Effort to Get Vaccine into More Arms…

Second dose appointments to receive the COVID-19 vaccine are being rescheduled for the majority of those who received their first dose of vaccine at the Western Fair District Agriplex and at the Mount Brydges COVID-19 vaccination clinic. Second dose appointments that had been scheduled to happen as soon as tomorrow, will now take place up to 112 days from the date the first dose was administered.

Health Unit Reports COVID-19 Variant of Concern at Saunders Secondary School

The Middlesex-London Health Unit was notified yesterday that the positive COVID-19 test of a student at Saunders Secondary School has now screened positive for a Variant of Concern. The Saunders Secondary School community is being notified about the positive screen for a Variant of Concern today and public health staff will follow up with close contacts of the case who were identified previously to ensure they have sought testing and have maintained their quarantine. The Health Unit has indicated that no additional classes will be cancelled and the school will remain open.

Province-wide Salesforce Outage to Prevent MLHU COVID-19 Dashboard Update Today

The Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU) is advising its COVID-19 information dashboard will not be updated at 12:00 noon today. Because of a provincewide outage of the provincial case and contact management system (Salesforce), Health Unit staff will be unable to extract case and contact management data in order generate the local data that is usually included as part of the Health Unit’s daily COVID-19 dashboard update.